Energize Denver: Buildings 5,000 - 24,999 sq. ft. Lighting Compliance Form

This form is for buildings to demonstrate compliance with the small building lighting requirement.
Building owners should submit a completed and signed "Letter of Attestation for LED Lighting Compliance" from the Lighting Professional service provider, verifying that the building complies. The "Letter of Attestation for LED Lighting Compliance" and the "Lighting Professional Certification" will be emailed to the building owner upon the Lighting Professional's completion of the Letter of Attestation for LED Lighting Compliance Form.
Building owners should also submit a completed and signed lighting audit template from a lighting professional (or contractor performing the installation, if they meet the definition of lighting professional as previously defined), verifying a minimum of 90% of the lighting load is provided by LED lights.
You will be notified by email the status of your submission following its review. If you have questions regarding the status, reach out to the Building Performance Help Desk by phone (844)-536-4528 or by email energizesmallbuildings@denvergov.org.
To learn more about the performance requirements for buildings 5,000 - 24,999 sq. ft. visit: https://www.denvergov.org/energizedenver.

I. Personal Information

Please Note: The email address listed here will be contacted regarding the status of the Lighting Compliance Form. 

II. Building Information

The Denver Building ID is a unique 5-digit number assigned to each individual building required to comply with the Energize Denver Small Building requirements.
Please Note: Owners of commercial condominiums and other multi-tenant buildings should submit only one (1) compliance form for the entire building, rather than each tenant submitting separately. If tenants in a multi-tenant building choose to demonstrate compliance individually, documentation should be aggregated when submitting the compliance form to CASR. If the LED lighting compliance pathway is chosen, a lighting professional must certify that the entire building is in compliance. CASR encourages building owners with multi-tenant buildings to work with all tenants to plan for coordinated planning, energy audits and compliance reporting.

III. Lighting Professional Information

Lighting Professional Qualification *
Please note: Licensed Electrical Contractors registered with the State of Colorado cannot submit the lighting verification template (Annex B).
Please note: This lighting professional qualification only applies to service providers who work on Xcel Energy’s Multi-Family Building Efficiency Program and any Business Energy Assessment Programs. 

IV. Lighting Compliance Information

Which type of lighting documentation are you submitting? *
When was the Lighting Audit/ Verification completed? *
Select the scenario that applies: *
Please note: Licensed Electrical Contractors registered with the State of Colorado cannot submit the lighting verification template (Annex B).
Please note: The Letter of Attestation for LED Lighting Compliance form must be uploaded with a lighitng audit template (Annex A) or a lighting verification template (Annex B).

Please upload the LED Lighting Audit (Annex A) Excel File.  A PDF will not be accepted. 

Lighting Audit Template Data:

Please enter the following data items from the completed and signed lighting audit template from a lighting professional (Annex A). The diagram below indicates where each data field is located on the form.

Please upload the LED Lighitng Verification (Annex B) Excel File.  A PDF will not be accepted. 

Lighting Verification Template Data:

Please enter the following data items from the completed and signed lighting verification template from a lighting professional (Annex B). The diagram below indicates where the data field is located on the form.

Building owners are required to retain the invoice for any lighting upgrades for a period of two (2) years after the submission of compliance documentation. CASR reserves the right to request submission of invoices for verification of compliance.

V. Signatures

I, the undersigned authorized representative of the building owner, affirm and attest to the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the statements of material fact provided in this form.
Signature *