Energize Denver: Buildings 5,000 - 24,999 sq. ft. Letter of Attestation for LED Lighting Compliance Form

This form serves as the Letter of Attestation for Lighting Compliance. It will need to be completed by the Lighting Professional Service provider that verified the specified building's compliance with the 5,000 - 24,999 sq. ft. lighting requirement.

Once submitted, a PDF of the form and the relevant lighting certification will be emailed to the submitter (lighting professional) and the Building Owner. This documentation will need to be uploaded to the Lighting Compliance Form as the "Signed Attestation from a Lighting Specialist" and the "Lighting Professional Certification" attachments. 

To learn more about the performance requirements for buildings 5,000 - 24,999 sq. ft. visit: https://www.denvergov.org/energizedenver.

I. Lighting Service Provider Information

II. Building Information

- The Denver Building ID is a unique 5-digit number assigned to each individual building required to comply with the Energize Denver Small Building requirements.

III. Lighting Audit Information


IV. Letter of Attestation for LED Lighting Compliance

This note is to confirm that [pipe:216] [pipe:37] completed the lighting audit on [pipe:227] for the following building:
Building ID: [pipe:180]
Building Address: [pipe:162], [pipe:181], [pipe:182] [pipe:183]
I confirm that the above-referenced building (please select the appropriate option): *
Please contact the Energize Denver Help Desk for more information regarding obtaining partial compliance for your building. 

Phone: 844-536-4528

Email: energizesmallbuildings@denvergov.org

Schedule a Phone Appointment: https://energyreporting.as.me/EnergizeDenver5000to24999

The lighting specialist completing this letter: *
[pipe:216] [pipe:37]
I declare that the above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Sincerely, *

V. Lighting Specialist Certification

Certification held by Lighting Specialist completing this letter: *

Once submitted, a PDF of the form and the relevant lighting certification will be emailed to the submitter (lighting professional) and the Building Owner. This documentation will need to be uploaded to the Lighting Compliance Form as the "Signed Attestation from a Lighting Specialist" and the "Lighting Professional Certification" attachments.