Business Formation Questionnaire
Full Legal Name:
Home Address
Zip Code
Phone Number
Business Address
Email Address:
Business Phone number
Business Name? Please list three options with your first choice being the first name displayed. Please also use EXACT spelling on how you want the business name displayed on your corporate docs. ** If you will be a C or S-Corp Indicate if you want " INC. " at the end of the business name** ** All LLC's will requires "LLC" at the end of the business name**
Full Name of Each Owner? Percentage of ownership for each owner? IE. 50/50 Etc.
List Of Officers? ( If you are a sole owner you can hold all positions) NOT FOR LLC's President : Vice-President : Secretary : Treasurer :
Social Security Number for Each Owner
Registered Agent Full Name and Address? ( This can be yourself as well) A registered agent is an individual or a company that will be the LLC's or corporation's official point of contact in the state to receive service of process, other legal documents
Type Of Business:
How many shares in company: (I.E 100, 1000, 10,000 etc. ) Do not answer for LLC's
Which Business Entity would you like to Create? Please Check one.
Sole Proprietor
General Partnership
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Not Sure - Would like to discuss.
Please upload Valid Photo ID
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