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*Measure K Oversight Committee and Contra Costa Transportation Authority - submit different application. See online or contact Juanita Davalos at

(Applications Received Are Public Record)
(Planning Commission candidates must be U.S. Citizens and be a Pleasant Hill resident for at least one year)
How did you learn about the vacancy(ies) you are applying for? *
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Sign your name in the Signature box below: *
Please select the commission/committee/boards that you are interested in serving on, and indicate your priority preference. When vacancies occur, all applicants will be considered by the City Council Interview and Nominating subcommittee, and a recommendation will be forwarded to the full City Council for final appointment. Applications may be submitted at anytime, and will be kept on file until considered or up to one year.
I am interested in serving on the following (indicate by numerical order your preference if selecting more than one):
Reviews site plans, architectural structures and signing related to new development in Pleasant Hill. Must have demonstrated talent and interest in aesthetics and architectural design through experience, training, education or occupation. (5 members - residency in Pleasant Hill is not required.)
Organizes major events such as the summer concert series and Community Service Day. (9 members - must be Pleasant Hill residents.)
Considers matters affecting the aging in the community; provides awareness of resources; and creates events of benefit to the aging population. (9 members - three may be under age 55 and up to three may live outside of Pleasant Hill.)
Makes recommendations on diversity, social justice and equity training; plans inclusive and welcoming events; and makes policy recommendations regarding diversity and inclusion. (7 members - must be residents or up to three non-residents may be appointed if they own/work for a business in Pleasant Hill.)
Fosters communication and partnership among Pleasant Hill schools. (11 members - must reside in either Valley View or Pleasant Hill Middle School attendance areas.)
Provides recommendations to the City Council on land use, zoning, General Plan, other planning related issues. (7 members - must be a U.S. citizen and reside in Pleasant Hill for at least one year prior to appointment.)
Reviews traffic safety problems in the community and recommend actions. Candidates must be engaged in professional engineering, traffic safety, law enforcement or related vocational or professional pursuits which involve a technical and practical understanding of vehicular traffic systems.
Write in the name of the commission, committee or board you are interested in below for which there is a vacancy as listed at that is not listed on this application.
For information on the application and appointment process, or for an application to be sent to you if submitting this form online is not an option, please contact Juanita Davalos at or 925-671-5283.
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