State of Addiction Treatment 2023
We're trying to learn how different types of addiction treatment programs are doing today. Thank you for taking a few minutes to answer a few questions about the center at which you work. If your center is part of a larger company, please answer these questions only for your particular center and location. We will keep your responses completely confidential.
What is your treatment center's biggest challenge today? (please choose only one):
Dealing with rapid growth or acquisitions
Keeping our census up
Being paid sufficiently to cover costs
Dealing with changing regulatory requirements
Finding the qualified staff we need
None of these is a major challenge
Which of the following are contributing to financial challenges for your center? (please check all that apply):
Low in-network reimbursement rates
Reduced out-of-network reimbursement rates
Payers refusing to cover a sufficient amount of treatment at the level of care the patient needs
The need to pay substantially more to recruit and/or retain staff
Payment delays due to insurance audits, medical record requests, or denials
Payer claw-backs
In-network contracts being terminated
Networks being closed to new providers
Inability of patients to cover insurance deductibles and/or co-insurance rates
Problems collecting payment when insurers pay patient rather than provider
Can you share any details? (optional):
How long has your program been in operation?
Less than 1 year
1 to 3 years
4 to 6 years
7 to 12 years
13 to 20 years
More than 20 years
To get an estimate of how much your clinical payroll costs have increased since the pandemic started, which of these questions would be easiest for you to answer? (just select one):
The percentage by which your payroll costs for your clinical staff have increased since early 2020
The annual salary you're paying now compared to what you were paying then for the type of clinician providing the majority of your treatment (for example, if you employ one supervising therapist and five CADCs, answer this question for your CADCs)
The hourly rate you're paying now compared to what you were paying then for the type of clinician providing the majority of your treatment
I don't know how to answer any of these
By what percentage have your clinical payroll costs increased since early 2020? (please enter a number from 0 to 100 percent):
Thinking about the type of clinician providing the majority of your treatment (for example, if you have one supervising therapist and five CADCs, answer this for your CADCs), please estimate what the average annual salary you were/are paying:
In early 2020:
Thinking about the type of clinician providing the majority of your treatment (for example, if you have one supervising therapist and five CADCs, answer this for your CADCs), please estimate what the average hourly salary you were/are paying:
In early 2020:
To estimate how much your reimbursement rate from your largest payer has increased since the pandemic started, which of these questions would be easier for you to answer? (just select one):
The percentage by which the reimbursement rate you receive for your highest level of care from your largest payer has increased since early 2020
The reimbursement rate you receive now from your largest payer for your highest level of care compared to what you were receiving in early 2020
I don't know how to answer either of these
By what percentage has your reimbursement rate from your largest payer for your highest level of care increased since the start of the pandemic (please enter a number from 0 to 100 percent)?
What is the reimbursement rate you were/are receiving from your largest payer for your highest level of care?
In early 2020:
How does your program's census today compare to your census at this time last year?
We have a lot more patients in treatment now
We have somewhat more patients in treatment now
We have about the same number of patients in treatment now
We have somewhat fewer patients in treatment now
We have a lot fewer patients in treatment now
I'm not sure
How are your center's revenues in 2023 compared to revenues in 2022?
Our 2023 revenues are a lot higher than 2022 revenues
Our 2023 revenues are somewhat higher
Our 2023 revenues are about the same
Our 2023 revenues are somewhat lower
Our 2023 revenues are a lot lower than 2022 revenues
I'm not sure
Are you concerned about staying in business?
Absolutely not, we're doing great!
No, we're doing fine
Somewhat; we need to figure out how to turn things around
Yes; we are going to have to close location(s) and/or sell the company if things don't turn around quickly
Unfortunately, we've already had to close location(s) or the entire company
I'm not sure
What are you doing to stay afloat? (optional):