2024 Virginia State/Region Little League Tournament Survey

This voluntary survey will be used to take an outside look at what the Championship teams experienced during the 2024 State and Junior BB Regional Tournaments.  The data received will be compiled, analyzed and shared with all the Virginia State District Administrators in an effort to focus on what the attendees see as good, bad and ugly.  Respectfully request you give honest responses, and if you point out deficiencies, give a recommendation to correct the deficiency.  Also, if you experienced something positive, please share that as well.

 Please provide as much information as possible, but try to keep it brief.  You can always provide more in-depth discussions to your District Administrator (DA) and we will incorporate in our State discussions.  Finally, please understand some of the requirements are required by Little League and some of the venues are limited to what they can provide.  BUT, please do not leave these out of your comments as we plan to provide Little League with these comments as necessary.

PLEASE NOTE:  Items with an "*" are required to be answered. You will not be able to submit your survey without answering those items.  If you are unsure, just answer "don't Know"

This survey should take 15-20 minutes to complete.  If you need to complete this in parts, please use the Save and Return option below.

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Save your progress and complete this form later. (optional)