Registration Form/ Forma de Inscripción

East Texas Parent Conference (Tyler)

Description Text

Video/Media Disclaimer: By attending this Texas Parent to Parent event, I understand that I am granting permission to Texas Parent to Parent to take photographs, videos or other recordings of me/my child(ren) and to use photographs and/or video of my/our likeness(es) in any type of media, including websites and print publications for promotion of Texas Parent to Parent and activity verification related to grant requirements without compensation or reward.

NOTA ACLARATORIA PARA VIDEOS Y FOTOGRAFIAS: Al asistir a un evento de Texas Parent to Parent, otorgo permiso a Texas Parent to Parent de filmar y tomar fotografias de mi y/o mis hijos y usar este material en medios de comunicación, sitios de internet y otros medio de publicidad para darle promoción a Texas Parent to Parent y cumplir requisitos de subsidios sin esperar alguna compensacion o recompensa por este material.

Phone type / Tipo de teléfono *
Other Phone Type / Tipo de teléfono
I am a: *
My primary language is: / Mi primer idioma es: *
Other language(s) I am also fluent in: / Otro(s) idioma(s) que domino: *
I need an interpreter / necesita traducción:
I need CEUs for this training event. / Necesitaré Unidades de Educación Continua a este evento
(fee of $15.00 /Costo: $15.)
I need a Certificate of Attendance for this training event. / Necesito certificado de asistencia de este evento.
Do you need a stipend to pay for childcare at home so you can attend the conference? (Necesita apoyo económico para cubrir gastos de cuidado de niños en casa para que pueda asistir a la conferencia) *
I am already registered with Texas Parent to Parent and receive the quarterly newsletter, annual conference registration packet or other TxP2P material. / Ya estoy inscrito con Texas Parent to Parent y recibo el boletín cuatrimestral, el paquete de inscripción a la conferencia anual y otro material de TxP2P *
I am not currently registered with Texas Parent to Parent but would like to be.  Please contact me with information about Texas Parent to Parent. / No estoy inscrito con Texas Parent to Parent pero me gustaria hacerlo. Favor de contactarme para darme a conocer eventos de Texas Parent to Parent *
I would like a copy of this form sent to me by email / Favor de mandarme una copia de esta inscripción a mi correo electrónico *
I want to register my child(ren) for Sibshop: / Quiero inscribir a mi(s) niño(s) en Sibshop *
If you register a child for Sibshop, you do not neet to also register them for childcare. / Si ya inscribió a sus niños en Sibshop, no los vuelva a inscribir en la guardería.

I want to register my child for child care during this event: / Quiero inscribir niños en la guardería para este evento: *

I understand that the Child Care activities are being provided by volunteers and trained professionals. I assume all risks and hazards of the conduct of the program and release from responsibility any person providing activities for the program. In case of injury, I do hereby waive all claims or legal actions, financial or otherwise against Texas Parent to Parent, or their elected and appointed officials, employees, organizers, sponsors, supervisors, sponsors or any volunteers connected to these two agencies and this conference. My signature constitutes acceptance of the conditions set forth in this release.

IF YOU NEED CHILD CARE, please complete the following. You will need to complete a set of questions for each child or adolescent who will be in child care. / SI NECESITA guardería, favor de completar lo siguiente. Necesita llenar una forma para cada niño en la guardería.

2nd Attendee? / Segundo participante

Please note that the "2nd Attendee" is intended to be someone who lives or works in the same location as the 1st/Primary Attendee. If the "2nd Attendee" is someone who will need to be contacted separately by TxP2P (registration confirmation, etc.), please have them complete a separate registration form. / Si desea agregar un segundo participante en esta forma, deberá de compartir la misma dirección o lugar de trabajo que el primer participante, si desea ser contactado individualmente, favor de llenar una forma por separado.