School Park Space Request for Supplemental Regular Programming

This Form Can Be Used To Request Space for Schools With Existing Space to Run Regular Programming but would like park space for supplemental regular programming. This Form is to Be Used by Schools and Youth Programs Requesting Park Space During School Hours, Mon-Fri, From 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Please answer the questions below so we can better understand your request.
Please Describe What Area of a Park You are Planning to Visit (check all that apply)? *
How Many Kids Will Be Visiting the Playground? *
How Many Kids Will Be Visiting the Park? *
Will You Be Setting Up Any Tables or Other Equipment or Structures?: *
Are You Planning to Visit Any of the Following *

A Permit is Not Needed for Your Visit

Thank you for providing the details of your request. Due to your small group size and minimal impact to our facilities, a permit is not required for your proposed use. Please note that during the school day is when our staff performs their maintenance and cleanup in our parks. Your visit would be for nonexclusive access to all spaces and you may need to work around our maintenance staff as well as other groups.
You are expected to follow our park rules:
• Food and drinks are limited to designated picnic areas and picnic lawns only
• You must bring your own trash bags, pick up all litter, and remove all trash completely off our property at the end of your visit; pack out what you pack in
• Amplified sound/music is not allowed in our parks
• You may not stake anything into our grass; equipment is not allowed without a specific permit
• You must follow all instructions given to you by any SFRPD staff present
Please close out your browser to exit the form.
Enjoy our parks!
Please acknowledge that if your use changes, you will resubmit: *

A Permit is Not Needed for Your Visit

Thank you for providing the details of your request. Due to your small group size and minimal impact to our facilities, a permit is not required for your proposed use. Please note that during the school day is when our staff performs their maintenance and cleanup in our parks. Your visit would be for nonexclusive access to all spaces and you may need to work around our maintenance staff.
You are expected to follow our park rules:
• Food and drinks are limited to designated picnic areas and picnic lawns only
• You must bring your own trash bags, pick up all litter, and remove all trash completely off our property at the end of your visit; pack out what you pack in
• Amplified sound/music is not allowed in our parks
• You may not stake anything into our grass; equipment is not allowed
• You must follow all instructions given to you by any SFRPD staff present
Please close out your browser to exit the form.
Enjoy our parks!
Please acknowledge that if your use changes, you will resubmit: *

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