RFP for Busking in Golden Gate Park Program

The San Francisco Recreation and Park Department is pleased to offer licenses for busking in Golden Gate Park. The Busking in Golden Gate Park Program creates opportunities for musicians and other performers to perform in Golden Gate Park. To obtain a license and to schedule your performances, please complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the following application.
  2. Upon receipt of application approval, please follow instructions to schedule performances for dates and times (between 10 am and dusk) at designated locations in Golden Gate Park.
  3. Receive permit for scheduled performances in Golden Gate Park.

Below are terms and conditions to keep in mind:

  • A busking performer is defined as an individual or group who performs in a public area, for the purpose of providing public entertainment and self-expression. Performing shall not include: (1) the provision of personal services such as hair weaving or massage; (2) the completion or other partial creation of visual art; (3) the creation of visual art which is mass produced or produced with limited variation; (4) the creation of handcrafts, (5) or activities regulated by the SF Health Department. This list of exclusions is not intended to be exhaustive.
  • A license shall be issued to each applicant (individual or group) in exchange for a completed and approved application.
  • The license holder (individual or group) will only be allowed to perform on permitted dates and times at designated locations. A map of designated locations for busking is available here
  • Amplified Sound: The Busking in Golden Gate Park Program does NOT allow amplified sound.
Amplified Sound: While the Busking in Golden Gate Park Program does not allow amplified sound, we will be offering, in collaboration with Illuminate, opportunities with amplified sound. Please indicate your interest by completing the following: *

Applicant Information

Individual or Group License? *
Have you participated in a busking program before? *

Performance Description

Amplified Sound Not Allowed (no use of any speaker larger than 24 watts): I understand amplified sound is not allowed. If I'm interested in amplified sound, then I've indicated my interest above in participating in opportunities separate from the Busking in Golden Gate Park Program. *
There shall be no charge for performances. Money given for the performance shall be on a donation only basis. It is expected that Performers will be performing whether or not they receive donations for their performance. Performers may not use aggressive measures to solicit donations. *
Aggressive collection behavior involving harassment or intimidation of any person is subject to enforcement. Complaints by the Community will be kept on file by SFRPD and may be used as evidence in disciplinary actions. *
No vending. Performers may not sell recordings of their music or other performance-related artwork. *
A performer may not interfere with others in the park either for passage or though excessive noise. Audience cannot exceed 24 people. *

Administrative Details

Application Administrative Fee (non-refundable) – The cost is $80 per year.

I certify that the above information is correct and that failure to follow the rules here and in my license can result in forfeiture of the license. *
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