Noor-Ul-Iman School Admissions Inquiry Form

NUI is not currently accepting inquiries/admissions for grades 8-12

Household Information

How did you hear about us? *

Student(s) Information

Please make sure to check that all information is correct before submitting the inqury form. Our cut off date is October 31, so your child must be 3 by October 31, 2026 to be eligible for PK3, 4 for PK4, and 5 for KG.
Add another student? *

2nd Student

Add another student? *

3rd Student

Add another student? *

4th Student

Add another student? *

5th Student

If you are inquiring for more than one child and NUI cannot offer Admissions to all of your children, would you still be interested in enrolling the child/children that can be accepted to NUI? *