Circom Regional - European Parliament
Television Election and Political Coverage Workshops
Strasbourg, Brussels and Santiago di Compostela
This is a series of workshops by Circom Regional and the European Parliament to cover the important areas of political and election broadcasting. The worshops are designed to bring together an elite group of the people resposnisble for these programme makers to consider how we deliver interesting programmes on the diverse issues that affect the everyday lives of our audiences.
The three workshops will take place in Strasbourg 22nd - 26th October 2012, Brussels February 2013 and Santiago di Compostela, May 2013
(exact dates to be confirmed)
. There are only 15 places available and applications are for all 3 workshops.
The ideal candidate
will be someone who is responsible for their stations polictical and/or election coverage output. They must be willing to share their experience with others and to participate in workshops that look at the work they do in a different and dynamic way. The whole group will be at the forefront of their profession, within a pan-European context, and will gain new ideas, opportunities and contacts for their future broadcasting needs. The results of the work will be show-cased to media professionals at the Circom Annual Conference in Santiago di Compostela in May 2013.
First Name
Last Name
Job Description
Address 1
Address 2
Postal Code
Business Phone
Mobile Phone
Email Address
Your Circom National Coordinator
Your Circom National Coordinator
Your Line Manager's name and position
Your Line Manager's email address
Do you have the approval of your Line Manager
Include my contact information on lists distributed to other attendees.
Workshop attendance
Are you willing to attend all 3 workshops
Special Requirements
Deadline for applications: September 21st 2012
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