All Employees
With the upcoming return to work regarding Level 3 and COVID 19 there are many practices
and protocols to be put in place and managed prior to starting on site. The government has
introduced regulations around how a construction site within a business must operate under
the rules.
On all building sites persons entering and exiting a workplace are to be registered to assist
tracking of contact in case of COVID 19 infection. Movement between and on sites is to be
managed and planned to prevent transmission of COVID 19.
All staff will be responsible for the processes of ensuring you are fit for duty by confirming your
health status prior to starting on site.
All persons will be in control for registration and guidance and to manage COVID 19 protocols.
On all sites safety measures and guidelines will be ramped up so it is very important you follow
the guidelines that the company you are assigned have set out. Some of these guidelines may
include Social Distancing and sanitizing hand signs, PPE safety gear, gloves (compulsory) and
masks (voluntary) , Sign-in register, safe queue up to enter the site, Regular hand hygiene must
Site Cleaning – Before leaving the job site at the end of a working day or end of a shift, wipe
down all tools at frequently touched places such as handles.
All waste and disposable PPE must be securely and safely disposed of. Appropriate controls
and consideration must be made to those handling contaminated (or potentially contaminated)
waste products.
At all levels we will be meeting all public health guidelines. These include the following,
although they may change over time:
● Regular disinfecting of surfaces.
● Encouraging good hand hygiene by allowing frequent hand washing and/or sanitizing.
● Hygiene in the bathroom - All the areas people might frequently touch, such as door
handles and sinks should be wiped by each person after use, with an antibacterial wipe,
the wipes to be disposed of correctly in the bins provided.
● Not having sick people in the workplace.
● Meeting physical distancing requirements.
Guideline for Smokers – Smokers must use the designated area or do so off site. Butts are to be
placed in the designated receptacle. Hands are to be sanitized before and after smoking.
Protect ourselves and workmates by:
● cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow.
● Throw tissues in a bin or plastic bag after use.
● Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
● Sanitise your hands frequently
Decontaminate yourselves and your clothing when returning home from work each day. Work
clothes should be placed in the washing machine with laundry products, to prevent germs from
spreading, with the warmest temperatures recommended on the label of clothing. When
handling soiled laundry wash your hands afterwards. Don’t leave laundry in the washing
machine – any remaining germs can multiply rapidly.
All Account Managers must ensure all allocated on-site staff showing flu-like symptoms such as
fever, coughing or congestion must:
● Not come to the site
● Contact their supervisor/human resources department
● Stay at home and self-isolate as directed by MOH.
Persons who have been identified as having potentially been exposed to the virus must follow
MOH advice and must not enter or remain at a workplace. Any site that has had a worker with
a positive COVID-19 diagnosis must prevent any person entering the workplace or conducting
work activities and must complete the following:
● Contact the MOH COVID-19 Healthline;
● Gather records of all persons who have been on site or involved with the person who
has tested positive within the past four weeks;
● Gather information to identify those who have worked at the location or shared
machinery, plant, materials or equipment with that person.
● Be ready to present the information to the appropriate authorities;
● Inform the wider workforce of the situation while protecting the privacy of the
individual where practicable so that further health monitoring can take place of
potential contacts with the person;
● Clean and sanitise all site surfaces and equipment; and
● Follow any other directions from MOH