YouthBuild Registration

Please have yourself or your guardian complete the following form as fully as possible to register for the next cohort.

What is your primary interest in participating in YouthBuild?
Studying for the GED *
Construction Training *
Customer Service Training *

Demographic Information

Gender Identity and Preferred Pronouns

Female *
Male *
Non-Binary *
He/Him *
She/Her *
They/Them *

Racial/Ethnic Identity

Asian/Pacific Islander *
Black/African American *
Hispanic or Latino/a/x *
Native American *
White/Caucasian *

Contact Information

Parent/Guardian Information:

Alternate Contact Information:

Education and Support Information

Are you currently in High School? *
Are you currently or have you ever been placed in foster care? *
Are there any specific accessibility needs our staff should be aware of? *
Are you considered to have refugee status/seeking asylum in the U.S.? *
Do you have any history with juvenile or criminal justice departments? *
Have you ever experienced homelessness? *
Do you receive any treatment for your mental health? *
Do you have any children or currently expecting a child? *
Are either of your parents/guardians currently incarcerated? *

Are you eligible for any of these services? (Check all that apply)

Thank you for registering for the GRCCT YouthBuild Grand Rapids program.

Contact us with any questions at 616-254-7736 or
We look forward to connecting with you soon! 
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