Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair Abstract and Certification - Submit by March 1
Copy and paste your abstract into the block provided below.
Type Your Project Entry Number - Your Project Entry Number appears in each email you received from CSEF and also in
Project Status List
. (
Your project entry number
starts with an E
Project Title
0/30 words
individual/Team Leader- First Name
Last Name
email address to send copy of abstract:
2nd Team Member- First Name
Last Name
3rd Team Member- First Name
Last Name
Abstract- Limit its length to fit this block without vertical scrolling - 250 words maximum. Be careful when typing or pasting your abstract. If you add blank lines between paragraphs for formatting with the return key or use double spacing when preparing the abstract, the abstract may exceed the screen size and some of the text may not be visible.
0/250 words
1. As a part of this research project, the student directly handled, manipulated, or interacted with (check
all that apply):
human subjects
hazardous biological agents
vertebrate animals
controlled substances
none of these
2. Student independently performed all procedures as outlined in this abstract.
3. This project was conducted at a Registered Research Institution.
4. Is this project a continuation from a previous year?
5. My display board includes photographs/visual depictions of humans (other than myself or my family):
By submitting this form, I/we hereby certify that the above statements are correct and the information provided in the Abstract is the result of one year’s research. I/we also attest that this properly reflects my/our own work and is in compliance with Fair's Ethics Statement.