Directory of City & Town Officials Municipal Service Providers

Display Advertising Listing Information:

Please see the Display Advertising Information and Contract here. Submitting this form is an agreement to the contract.

Previous year's advertisers have option to renew, then it's first-come, first-serve. Please choose the sizes of display advertisement you wish to purchase:

Classified Advertising Listing Information:

Please see the Classified Advertising Information and Contract here. Submitting this form is an agreement to the contract.

Each classified listing in the directory is only $100 and includes your firm's name, principal address, phone number and contact person with title, 12-word description of service or area of concentration, and names of two clients for reference purposes. OML reserves the right to place a firm under a heading that is similar to the one requested in order to consolidate categories.

Listing Contact person(s) (Base charge includes one name and title; there will be an additional $10 charge for every additional name and title):

Cross-reference(s): (Firms may cross-reference their main listing with a listing in additional categories. Cross-reference listings will be charged at $15 each.)

Charge for base ad (includes category, firm name and address, one contact person and title, and 12 words for service description):
Please enter the number of additional items you require.
Were you a 2023 Conference Sponsor? *

PLEASE NOTE: You will receive an email confirming your advertisement. If you don't receive an email - something with the submission didn't go through correctly.

OTHER QUESTIONS: Contact April Bradbury at (405)528-7515, 1(800)324-6651 or