Once you submit this form, our Discovery Center Operations Coordinator (DCOC) will contact you regarding availability, pricing and required documentation for your event. In order for us to block the time out for your event, you must schedule an on-site meeting to view the space, discuss logistics and complete the paperwork. Below are the general pricing, availability and documentation requirements for all rentals. Please note that we require at least 4 weeks advance notice for rentals. This gives us enough time to complete all required paperwork and plan any logistics neccessary for you.
Single Room Rental (Base Rate: $175)
This includes 4 hours during normal operating hours, in one room (Pine Barrens Room, Karner Classroom or Oak Room), tables and chairs set-up, 1 staff host and A/V. Renter set up and clean up are included in this time frame.
--Additional hour during the available hours listed below: $45/hour
Non-profits receive 50% off rates above.
We are able to offer room rentals during the following times
Monday-Friday: 9:30 am- 3 pm
Saturday/Sunday: 10:30 am -3 pm
We are closed: New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Documentation Required
License to use agreement
Liability waiver (private) or Certificate of Insurance (organization)
Food permit (catering and public events)