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Part VI - Undergraduate Research

Do you use undergraduate research, internships, or other similar experiences to fulfill graduation requirements?
Undergraduate Research 
If you use undergraduate research, internships, or similar experiences as a requirement for graduation, please submit 3-5 student reports or research theses, spanning multiple disciplines and faculty mentors.
Each report should show: the grade earned; the number of terms that the student participated in the research, internship, or other experience; and actual student hours per term.
If you use a rubric to assess these reports, please submit a copy of that rubric.
Combine all reports and the rubric into a single pdf and email directly to cpt@acs.org for inclusion in your application packet.
Do you require students involved with undergraduate research, internships, or similar activities to complete a comprehensive written report?
Do you have a standard rubric to assess the student research reports?
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