U.S. Adult Figure Skating Lifetime Competitor Recognition Program

The U.S. Adult Figure Skating Lifetime Competitor Recognition Program recognizes competitive adult figure skaters who have successfully demonstrated longevity in the sport through their ongoing participation in the U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships. It defines the ultimate success in competitive adult figure skating as being physically able to skate competitively for a lifetime and rewards competitive adult figure skaters who manage their training in a way that makes this possible.

The goal of the Adult Lifetime Competitor Recognition Program is to create a shift in our culture - encouraging competitive adult figure skaters to focus on the long-term goal of successfully participating in this program over shorter-term goals that may increase their chance of injury and prevent future participation in the sport.

To register for the Adult Lifetime Competitor Program, please complete this form. 

You only need to complete this registration form once.

Your registration will carry over to future years. 


If you have any questions regarding the Adult Lifetime Competitor Recognition Program, please reference the program guidelines here.  If you have additional questions, please contact the following:

Cara Scudner, Adult Skating Chair (carascudnerusfs@gmail.com)
Casey Mallory, Figure Skating Programs Manager (cmallory@usfigureskating.org)