School Absence Letter Request

U.S. Figure Skating would like to wish you the best of luck participating in the 2024-2025 season. We appreciate all of the time and effort you and your family put into figure skating and also realize it can be a challenge to miss school for this important event. 
After completing this form, you will receive a personalized absence letter within your confirmation email that you can forward to your teacher(s), principal, etc.  It will include the following:
- It will be personally addressed to the educator
- The athlete's name
- The event name & dates
- The significance of the event
Student-athletes, you may request as many letters for as many different people you want. However, you MUST fill out a separate form for EACH personalized letter.
Personalized letters will be sent out via email to the parent or guardian named (or athlete if 18 or over) once the form is submitted. The letter will be within the content of the confirmation email.
This form must be completed by the athlete if 18 or older, or the athlete's Parent/Guardian if under 18.
This form can be completed for U.S. Figure Skating events including but not limited to National Qualifying Series (singles, pairs, dance), Synchronized Skating Sectional Championships, any program finals (Excel, TOI, Showcase, Intercollegiate, etc.), and nonqualifying competitions.