If you are an Alberta LPN registered with the CLPNA looking to purchase Medical Malpractice, General Liability or AD&D coverage please DO NOT apply via this application and refer to the correspondence received from the CLPNA on Oct 10, 2023 and apply through your member portal. 
Please answer all questions. Do not leave any space blank. Indicate “NONE” to questions where there is no exposure. 
The following provinces are eligible to get direct coverage through our online program: BC, PEI, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan.
If your province is not listed please contact our office directly at lpn@lloydsadd.com or 1.800.665.5243 to get coverage placed.  

LPN / Company Information

If you operate in the province of Alberta and are a member of the CLPNA please DO NOT Purchase coverage on this application and contact us at lpn@lloydsadd.com
If you operate in the province of Alberta and are a member of the CLPNA please DO NOT Purchase coverage on this application and contact us at lpn@lloydsadd.com
Are you a new client or are your renewing existing coverage? *
    Estimated Gross Revenue for the next twelve (12) or next fiscal year ($CDN): (Leave Revenue at "0" for USA and Other if you do not operate outside of Canada)
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