TCFSC Membership and Waivers for 2024-2025 Skating Season

Thomas Creek Figure Skating Membership, Policies and Waivers for the 2024-2025 Skating Season

Membership 2024-2025 Season
First Family Member w/Thomas Creek FSC                                                                            $190.00
Introductory Membership (1st time member only)                                                                    $100
TCFSC Collegiate Membership (4 consecutive years)                                                             $120.00
Collegiate Associate Membership (Home Club elsewhere - 1 year membership)                      $70.00
Associate Membership to TCFSC (Home Club elsewhere)                                                      $150.00
Subsequent First Family Membership
(2nd skating family member or non skating family member associated w/First Family membership only)            $50.00                                                                                                                      
Professional Membership                                                                                                           $90.00                                                                     
Associate Club Coach (USFSA membership paid to home club)                                               $35.00                                         
Adult Synchro Skater Home Club                                                                                             $125.00
Adult Synchro Associate Membership                                                                                        $60.00
Thomas Creek Figure Skating Club is a 501(3)C, and we rely on fundraising. Please be aware that with full and introductory memberships comes an annual fundraising responsibility to assist in offsetting ice costs, administrative costs, and activity costs associated with figure skating. Each skater will be obligated to earn $100 in fundraising credits for the skating season.
In addition, all Mirror Images participants, excluding the adult designated teams, will be required to earn $200 in fundraising credits. Adult Skaters are encouraged to participate in fundraising efforts.
If participants would like to OPT OUT of fundraising requirements, full and introductory club members may pay $200 to TCFSC no later than 9/1/24 or two weeks after joining the club. Likewise, MI participants may OPT OUT with a $400 opt out fee paid to TCFSC no later than 9/1/24. If opting out of both club and MI fundraising, the total would therefore be $600.
There are many fundraising opportunities available throughout the year. Each shift at Frontier field earns the skater $50 towards their fundraising requirement. Other fundraising opportunities that come along will provide the credit information allotted towards that event.