I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of (name of camper). I hereby give permission for the Potomac League / NVTBL Camp staff to seek during the period of the Camp, appropriate medical attention for my child, for the medical attention to be given to my child, and for my child to receive the medical attention in the event of accident, injury or illness. I will be responsible for any and all costs of medical attention and treatment.
I, the undersigned, understand that Baseball is an active, physical sport and that injuries can often occur during participation at Camp. I also understand that there will be more campers than staff at the Camp, and that my child cannot receive individualized supervision at all times. I hereby acknowledge that my child is physically fit and mentally capable of participating in practices, games, and all camp activities.
By clicking in the box below it indicates that I have provided true information and have read, understand and agree to all statements on this entire form and on any other form required by the Camp.