
Auditorium & Room 155 Booking

Please use this form to request dates for events, etc.
If the date is unavailable, you will receive an email from Kraszewski.
A public calendar will be shared with admin & guidance, so you can check for available dates.
IMPORTANT: We reserve the right to postpone / cancel / reschedule events based on school needs, as well as vendor requests.
Who's Your Supervisor *
Does your supervisor approve this request? *
Are you requesting to book the Auditorium or Room 155? *
Please resubmit form when you have supervisor's approval. *
Is this a single event or ongoing? *
Ongoing Event Type *
If you need to book either the auditorium or 155 for different times you need to fill this form out mutiple times.
You can only submit for mutiple days at once if the same time slots are being used.
How many days? *
Periods & Time of Use *
If you're choosing anything after period 10 please be sure to fill out the box below with details about the time and event.