Building(s) Financial Rewards Form
(get financial rewards (cash payouts) for doing energy-efficiency activities / upgrades)


Unlock Constant Revenue Stream

Earn Financial Rewards (Cash Payouts) with Energy Efficiency


BidConnectUSAis a 21st century decarbonization and business engagement platform.

We have partnered with a publicly traded and industry-leading carbon credits company that offers continous revenue stream (cash payouts) from your energy-efficiency activities/upgrades in buildings and /or qualified leased commercial spaces for 7+ years.

The program quantifies and aggregates environmental benefits (i.e., GHG emission reductions/removals) generated by a wide range of energy-efficiency activities implemented into retrofit and/or new  commercial, multifamily, non-profit, government agency, and institutional buildings or commercial leased space.

ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS (brick-and-mortar):

  • Building owners (any building size)

  • Qualified Leasee / Tenant (must have sub-metered utilities)
  • Other organizations with controlling interest in building portfolios

The carbon credits company covers all program-related costs including development, maintenance, credit management, and the sell of carbon credits. In other words, there is no cost for program participants to join the program. However, there is a 1-time Admin Fee of $99.95 (1-2 buildings or leased commercial space) or $349.95 (3-4 buildings or leased commercial spaces), or $449.95 (5+ buildings or leased commercial spaces)
                          Turn Green into Green: Energy-Efficiency Pays Off
To see what ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES are included, please go to Questions # 2, # 3, # 5, # 6, # 7
IMMEDIATELY, after you have submitted this Form, a 'pop-up' screen will appear showing: 

 A printable receipt of this Form with your responses for your records.



The BidConnectUSATeam

Company and Contact Information

Company Type *
(2) Please select one or more of the eligible activities your company has completed in its building(s) or leased commercial space(s). For detailed descriptions of each activity, refer to questions #3, #5, and #7, then proceed to make your selection(s)  *
(3) If in question # 2, you selected Energy Demand Activities, please select the type(s) *
(5) In question #2, if selected Energy Generation Activities, please select type(s): *
(7) In question # 2, if you selected Transportation-Related Activities, are they EV Charging Stations*
(10) Were your energy efficient /eligible activities implemented into *
(15) To participate in the Buildings Financial Rewards Program, energy-efficiency activities, that you selected in either questions #3, #4, #5, #6, or #7, must have been implemented during the 2024 calendar year. Can you or your company acknowledge this? *
1-time ONLY ADMIN FEE (non-refundable) *

Cash payouts are not guaranteed. Force majeure events and other market conditions may negatively impact the value or availability of credits sold. Any potential cash payouts referenced in webinars, marketing materials, or communications are provided as estimates only and should not be interpreted as guarantees. Cash payouts are issued exclusively by the carbon credits company.

Permission to reprint, modify, or distribute any content from this Buildings Financial Rewards Form
requires the prior written approval of J&T Peterson Development, LLC (creator / owner of BidConnectUSA)

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