GOTR-Nebraska New Site Application

Thank you for your interest in Girls on the Run of Nebraska. If you would like to offer programming at a particular school, community center, church or other venue, please complete this application.
GOTR-Nebraska offers two seasons based on geographical regions: 
     * Fall Season runs early September to mid-November and is open only to metro locations (Omaha, Lincoln and suburbs).
     * Spring Season runs late February/early March to mid-May is open  to all Nebraska locations (Panhandle, Central, Northeast, Southeast).
Please obtain permission to host a team from the school principal or site authority before completing the new site application. THANK YOU!
Please direct your principal to the website for more information --

About You

How did you learn about Girls on the Run of Nebraska? Check all that apply. *

Proposed Site Location and Demographics

Which geographic region is closest to your proposed site? *

Site Contact Person

Please complete the contact information for the person who manages/oversees the proposed site, e.g. school principal, community center manager, parks director.

Coach Candidates

Please complete the contact information for at least two people at your school who will volunteer to coach. Two coaches are required for a team of up to 15 girls; three coaches are required for a team of up to 20 girls. Coaches must attend training and commit to coaching the entire season (approximately 40 hours over three months for first-time coaches).

Candidate No. 1

Candidate No. 2

Candidate No. 3

Candidate No. 4

Please be patient after submitting your application. Principals will be contacted to register school for the next appropriate season of programming, which could be several months away.
Fall site registration begins in late March/April. Spring site registration begins in late September/October.