Energize Denver: Buildings 5,000 - 24,999 sq. ft. Demolition Exemption for Building Performance Requirements Application

A demolition exemption for the building performance requirements should be requested if a demolition
permit has been issued for the entire building and demolition work has commenced on or before the
building’s compliance deadline.
Scenarios in which a demolition exemption would be approved are:
  • A building for which a demolition permit for the entire building has been issued and for which
    demolition work has commenced on or before the deadline to implement the performance
  • A building for which a demolition permit for a portion of the building has been issued in which
    the remaining building will be less than 5,000 sq. ft., which would remove the building from the
    performance requirements.
Your application will be reviewed by city staff to determine if the building is eligible for the exemption.
You will be notified by email of your application status following its review. If you have questions
regarding your application status reach out to the Building Performance Help Desk by phone (844)-536-
4528 or by email energizesmallbuildings@denvergov.org.
To learn more about the performance requirements for buildings 5,000 - 24,999 sq. ft. visit: https://www.denvergov.org/energizedenver.

I. Personal Information

II. Building Information

- The Denver Building ID is a unique 5-digit number assigned to each individual building required to comply with the Energize Denver Small Building requirements.

III. Demolition Exemption Application

III. Signatures and Contact Information

I, the undersigned authorized representative of the building owner, affirm and attest to the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the statements of material fact provided in this form.
Signature *