Energize Denver: Renewable Credit Submission

This form is for buildings to submit renewable credit generation information. Building owners should submit the renewable generation that occurred in the previous calendar year annually, by June 1, to coincide with the annual benchmarking submission deadline. If the building received renewable generation from more than one category (example: solar installed on building and purchased month-to-month subscription to fill a gap), you must fill out a renewable credit submission form for each type. 
You will be notified by email the status of your submission following its review. If you have questions regarding the status, reach out to the Building Performance Help Desk by phone (844)-536-4528 or by email energizedenver@denvergov.org. 
To learn more about Energize Denver Benchmarking and Performance Requirements visit: https://www.denvergov.org/energizedenver.

I. Contact Information

II. Building Information

- The Denver Building ID is a unique 4-digit number assigned to each individual building required to comply with the Energize Denver Benchmarking requirements. All Denver Building IDs and their corresponding addresses can be found on the Benchmarking Compliance Status Report.  

III. Application Details & Documentation

Were the Renewable Energy Credits (REC) retained by the building owner? *
If you participated in a program from Xcel Energy, which program was it?


*The building owner should keep copies of the monthly kWh generation reports on file. CASR reserves the right to request that the owner submit the invoices/reports that back-up the total kWh generation entry.

IV. Signatures

I, the undersigned authorized representative of the building owner, affirm and attest to the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the statements of material fact provided in this form.
Signature *