Energize Denver MAI Service Provider Quiz

Service providers must attend an Energize Denver training for Energy Service Providers working in Manufacturing, Agricultural, and Industrial (MAI) Buildings before taking this quiz. The purpose of this quiz is to ensure that service providers understand the Energize Denver requirements for the Manufacturing, Agricultural, and Industrial buildings, especially their special alternate compliance option. 

Participants must answer all questions correctly to be added to the list of Trained Service Providers for Buildings 25,000 sq. ft. and larger. The quiz may be taken as many times as needed in order to score 100%. Once you’ve passed the quiz, you must email energizedenver@denvergov.org and ask to be added to the list.

In passing this quiz, you acknowledge that your contact information will be publicly posted on the Energize Denver website.

Service Provider Infomaiton
1. What Energize Denver Tasks can you assist a building owner with? *
2. I am the following type of provider: *
If you are a consulting service provider, what tasks do you provide? *
If you are a contractor, what types of products do you provide/install? *
If you are a product vendor, what types of products do you sell? *
3. What building type categories do you serve? *
5. Does your company have a square footage threshold for buildings you provide service? If so, choose "other" and type in the number (Ex: 100,000 and larger; 50,000 and larger). *
6. Do you personally have experience performance energy services in MAI buildings? *
7. Have you attended an Energize Denver vendor training for MAI buildings? *
8. What types of buildings meet the definition of an MAI building? Check all that apply. *
9. What is the first step in the performance process for MAI buildings? *
10. For benchmarking submissions, when is third party data verification required? Check all that apply. *
11. The third-party data verifier cannot be the building owner or an employee of the building owner or the building owner’s designee who prepares or submits benchmarking information in Portfolio Manager. *
13. Which metrics are available to be used to measure the progress of each MAI buildings toward their performance targets? Check all that apply. *
15. Which baseline years may be used by existing MAI buildings? Check all that apply. *
16. What is the interim target year for existing MAI buildings? *
17. What is the interim target year for new MAI buildings? *
18. Buildings in the MAI Alternate Compliance Option are also eligible for the Timeline Adjustment Alternate Compliance Option. *
19. For the renewables credit, does the owner have to retain the renewable energy credits (RECs) to get credit for the generation? *
20. The building owner must proactively apply for the fossil fuel reduction credit. *
21. What are some of the minimum requirements of an energy audit? Check all that apply. *
22. What documentation is required to be submitted over time for the Prescriptive Pathway? Check all that apply *
23. What steps are included in CASR’s performance evaluation process? Check all that apply. *
24. What happens if a building defaults on any portion of the Prescriptive Pathway? *
25. What happens if a building defaults on the Performance Pathway? *
26. For MAI buildings, the target penalty will be assessed at $0.30/kBtu for the interim and final targets, unless stated differently in an alternate compliance option agreement. *
27. Once a building meets the 2030 target and is switched to the $0.05/kBtu maintenance penalties, what is the threshold for switching the building back to target penalties if the building’s performance worsens? *
28. After CASR sends a warning notice to the building owner that they are not in compliance after evaluation of a target, the building owner has no alternative other than pay the penalty. *
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