Energize Denver: Buildings 5,000 - 24,999 sq. ft. Renewable Energy Compliance Form

This form is for buildings to demonstrate compliance with the small building renewable energy requirement.
You will be notified by email the status of your submission following its review. If you have questions regarding the status, reach out to the Building Performance Help Desk by phone (844)-536-4528 or by email energizesmallbuildings@denvergov.org.
To learn more about the performance requirements for buildings 5,000 - 24,999 sq. ft. visit: https://www.denvergov.org/energizedenver.

I. Personal Information

II. Building Information

- The Denver Building ID is a unique 5-digit number assigned to each individual building required to comply with the Energize Denver Small Building requirements.
Please Note: Owners of commercial condominiums and other multi-tenant buildings should submit only one (1) compliance form for the entire building, rather than each tenant submitting separately. If tenants in a multi-tenant building choose to demonstrate compliance individually, documentation should be aggregated when submitting the compliance form to CASR. If the LED lighting compliance pathway is chosen, a lighting professional must certify that the entire building is in compliance. CASR encourages building owners with multi-tenant buildings to work with all tenants to plan for coordinated planning, energy audits and compliance reporting.

III. Renewable Energy Compliance Information

Which of the following scenarios applies to your building? *

Statement of Energy Performance Data:

Please enter the following data items from the Energy Star Portfolio Manager Statement of Energy Performance (annual site energy usage). The diagram below indicates where the data field is located on the form

Annual Energy Usage kWh (Electric + Natural Gas)

What type of power generation documentation are you submitting? *

Energy Star Portfolio Manager Statement of Energy Performance

The Energy Star Portfolio Manager Statement of Energy Performance verifies the building’s total annual site energy usage. Please note that the Statement of Energy Performance does not require the signature and stamp of a verifying professional. To generate the Energy Star Portfolio Manager Statement of Energy Performance:

1. Login to your Energy Star Portfolio Manager account at www.energystar.gov/istar/pmpam

2. In the My Portfolio view, click the name of the building for which you would like to create a Statement of Energy Performance (SEP). This action will take you to the Facility Summary view.

3. In the "Reporting" tab, click “Statement of Energy Performance" link towards the upper right corner of your screen.

Statement of Onsite Renewable Energy Performance

The Statement of Onsite Renewable Energy Performance verifies the renewable system's total kW capacity. A PDF of the Statement of On-Site Renewable Energy Performance can be generated here: https://fs12.formsite.com/EnergizeDenver/4eii7ru5rn/index. Please note this document needs to be signed prior to submission.

What type of power generation documentation are you submitting? *

IV. Signatures

I, the undersigned authorized representative of the building owner, affirm and attest to the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the statements of material fact provided in this form.
Signature *