This application is for building owners who would like to request that their benchmarking report submission be marked as confidential. Your building may qualify if you can demonstrate that its energy performance is a confidential business practice that includes trade secrets, privileged, or confidential commercial information.
Please specifically identify the information you believe needs to be confidential and provide a written statement describing the manner in which public disclosure would cause substantial harm to your competitive position. Inefficient energy usage alone will not be considered confidential commercial information.
Your application will be reviewed by city staff to determine if the building is eligible. You will be notified by email of your application status following its review. If the confidentiality request is approved, all information collected will be utilized and maintained by CASR, and not publicly accessible through the benchmarking map, open data catalog, or CORA requests. If approved, the building will be marked as confidential moving forward, annual reapplication is not necessary. If you have questions regarding your application status reach out to the Building Performance Help Desk by phone (844)-536-4528 or by email