This Alternate Compliance Option application is for buildings with an official Manufacturing, Agricultural, and Industrial (MAI) Building designation. Upon receiving MAI designation from CASR’s Industrial Administrator, via the MAI designation forms, the MAI building must then apply to the MAI Alternate Compliance Option with their chosen compliance pathway and metric and any additional required information and documentation.
As of October 7, 2024, CASR has approved a three-month extension on the MAI ACO Application deadline for all existing MAI buildings, shifting the deadline to March 1, 2025. Existing MAI buildings that have not completed the MAI ACO application by March 1, 2025, will default to the Performance Pathway with a 30% Site EUI reduction target.
The application deadline for this Alternate Compliance Option for new MAI buildings is at the time that the second calendar year of benchmarking data is due (i.e., June 1, 202X).
Your application will be reviewed by city staff. You will be notified by email of your application status following its review. If you have general questions about Energize Denver, reach out to the Building Performance Help Desk by phone (844)-536-4528 or by email If you have questions about this application, reach out to the Industrial Administrator by email
To learn more about Energize Denver benchmarking and Performance Requirements visit: