Inaccurate Energy Data that Affects Baseline – This target adjustment should be applied for if the energy data reported for the baseline year is incorrect or if a new baseline year is being requested.
If a new baseline year is being requested, the data verification period should be December 31 of the year being requested as the baseline.
If the square footage reported in your baseline year is incorrect, please apply for the “Square Footage Corrections” target adjustment.
If the building type classification(s) reported in your baseline year is incorrect, no adjustments to your baseline information is needed, but you may want to consider the "Building Type Classification" and/or "High-Intensity Space not Accounted for in Three Largest Types" target adjustments to ensure your final target is correct.
This target adjustment will not impact your final target, just your baseline EUI and interim targets.
The data verification period should be December 31 of your baseline year (most commonly 2019). The Data Verification Checklist submitted in this application needs to match the benchmarking data on file with the City for your baseline year, if it doesn't, the benchmarking data will need to be resubmitted. Not sure what's on file? Review the Performance Lookup Tool.