Energize Denver Service Provider Benchmarking Quiz

The purpose of this quiz is to ensure that the service provider is aware and capable of complying with all of the Energize Denver benchmarking requirements.

Participants must answer all questions correctly (23/23) to be added to the  Directory of Benchmarking and Energize Denver Service Providers list. The quiz may be taken as many times as needed in order to score 100%. Once you’ve passed the quiz, you must email energizedenver@denvergov.org and ask to be added to the list. In passing this quiz, you acknowledge that your contact information will be publicly posted on the Energize Denver website.

To learn more about the performance requirements for buildings 25,000 sq. ft. or larger visit: https://www.denvergov.org/energizedenver.

I. Service Provider Information

What Energize Denver Tasks can you assist a building owner with? *
I am the following type of provider: *
If you are a contractor, what types of products do you provide/install? *
If you are a consulting service provider, what tasks do you provide? *
If you are a product vendor, what types of products do you sell? *
Does your company have a square footage threshold for buildings you provide service? If so, choose "other" and type in the number (Ex: 100,000 and larger; 50,000 and larger). *
Does your company have a square footage threshold for buildings you provide service? If so, choose "other" and type in the number (Ex: 100,000 and larger; 50,000 and larger). *

II. Quiz

1. Have you watched the Portfolio Manager 101 and 201 trainings and the compliance training video series? *
2. Select all the options of licenses, credentials, or certifications that the third-party verified needs to possess in order to authenticate the benchmarking report for performance evaluation or the target adjustment application: *
3. What is the deadline for buildings 25,000 sq. ft. or larger in Denver to submit their annual Benchmarking Report? *
4. Where can you look up your Denver Building ID to determine whether your building(s) still needs to comply? (select all that apply) *
5. Please select what basic information should be double-checked before submitting your annual benchmarking report. (select all that apply) *
6. If the parking area of the building is metered separately and not included on the same meter as the building, it should be clearly marked in Portfolio Manager and accounted for in the property's total gross floor area. *
7. You are benchmarking a multi-tenant building for a building owner. The owner has access to all of the building’s house meters, but the tenants pay their own utility bills. Since the owner does not have access to the tenant bills, all you need to report is the building’s house meters. *
8. If you are working with Xcel Energy to obtain Whole Building Aggregated Data, you should create a meter in Portfolio Manager for every meter on the property. *
9. Select all data that is required to be reported for the Energize Denver Benchmarking Ordinance: *
10. Select all areas that should be included in a property’s gross floor area (GFA): *
11. For purposes of benchmarking for normalized performance targets, when does the City of Denver recommend an additional property use be created in Energy Star Portfolio Manager? (select all that apply) *
12. What is the accurate time period of data that should be submitted for the reporting year of 2023? *
13. Before submitting a benchmarking report, you must enter the building’s Denver Building ID into Portfolio Manager. In which field do you enter the Denver Building ID? *
14. A multifamily building is ten stories high with 10 units on each floor, how should the units be classified within Portfolio Manager? *
15. You realize you entered the incorrect gross floor area for a property use type within Portfolio Manager before submitting the report to the city; how do you correct it? *
16. After running the Data Quality Checker in ESPM, you receive an error message saying, “the property use ____ has less than 12 full calendar months of gross floor area for the year selected.” It is an existing property use and it has not changed during the entire time period selected. What do you do? *
17. After running the Data Quality Checker in ESPM, you receive an error message saying, “there is an overlap of 30 days in one or more of your entries.” When you look at the identified meter you see that you manually entered the data in addition to Xcel uploading it through the auto upload tool, resulting in duplicate entries. What do you do? *
18. What is the standard unit of measure for electricity data in Portfolio Manager? *
19. What is the unit of measure for natural gas if provided by Xcel Energy? *
20. What unit of measure for district steam is correct when entering district steam data in Portfolio Manager? *
21. What is the correct unit of measure for district chilled water when entering that data into Portfolio Manager? *
22. If you realize that you have benchmarked incorrectly in the past, you can and should correct your data by applying for target adjustment. *
23. After submitting your benchmarking report to the City of Denver, you receive an email notifying you that your building is “pending revisions” due to a 'Change in Property Type' (meaning the submission contains a different building type than what is in the city’s system). What do you do? (select all correct answers) *