City of Temple utility billing accounts may qualify for a payment extension if certain account criteria are met. Not all accounts will qualify for an extension.
Customers should contact the Utility Business Office before 5:00 pm on their cutoff date to request an extension. If a customer requests an extension after their cutoff notice has been generated, the $30 non-payment fee will still be assessed to the account. 
Please submit your request using this form and someone from the Utility Business Office will review your account. You will receive an emailed response (at the email address provided below) informing you of your new cutoff date, if applicable.  If the account does not qualify for an extension, the delinquent balance will be due by 5:00 pm on the original cutoff date. 
Please allow at least one business day for a response. Submitting this request does not guarantee a payment extensionA payment extension does not forgive payment but will allow for an extended payment period. Full payment for services will still be required.
By clicking this box, I confirm that I have read and understand the information above.  I understand that payment for delinquent balances will still be due and that this extended payment arrangement, if granted, does not forgive payment of my utility account. My balance must be paid before 5:00 pm on the extended cutoff date that I am given by the Utility Business Office, via the email address provided on this form. *