City of Temple - Utility Business Office
Automatic Payment Authorization Form
Utility Account Holder Name
Utility Account Number
Utility Service Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Financial Institution Name
Financial Institution City, State
Type of Account
Routing Number
Account Number
Name as it Appears on the Financial Account
Please attach a copy of a voided check for checking account verification.
I authorize the City of Temple to debit my account each month for the services billed on the utility account listed above. I understand that this authorization will remain in effect until I notify the Utility Business Office, in writing, at least 10 days prior to the next draft date. I certify that I am an authorized user of this financial account and will not dispute these automatic payments. Automatic payments will be drafted on the due date reflected on the monthly utility bill. Please note that the autopay date will vary, depending on weekends and holidays. The amount to be withdrawn and the autopay date will be reflected on the monthly utility bill. A charge of $30.00 will be assessed to the utility account for payments returned by the bank, for any reason. The City of Temple will cancel automatic payments if three payments are returned within a 12-month period. A returned payment acts as non‐payment on the utility account and services may be interrupted if payment isn’t cleared by the original disconnect date.
Date Signed