Research Presentations
Research presentations are roughly, a formal presentation of completed or nearly-completed academic studies, policy reports, or other empirical research work. These presentations should address research motivation and questions, data and methods, findings, and implications for policy and practice. Presenters should be prepared to answer questions from audience members following their formal remarks, but generally, these sessions will be less interactive than the other formats.
Poster Presentation
Posters are ideal for those who wish to share and receive feedback on a research project, policy paper, or other work that is still in progress. Authors will have the opportunity to discuss their work in informal conversations with interested participants.
Symposium/Policy Talk
A symposium or policy talk consists of in-depth conversations and diverse perspectives on a topic related to student financial aid. Ideally, these presentations should combine researchers from different disciplines; mix academic scholars, policymakers, and practitioners; and/or include researchers with opposing views. These sessions should also encourage interaction between and among presenters and the audience. A typical symposium might include brief presentations from the panelists, Q&A from a moderator, and time for discussion and debate.