Richards Christian Academy 2024 - 2025

Student Information

Gender *


FOR THE PARENT: Since the tuition charged does not cover the actual cost of educating a child, I recognize that my participation is needed in prayer, service, fundraising, and donations, in order to properly share in my childs training. We sincerely pledge our loyalty to the aims and ideals of Richards Academy and will bring all questions and criticisms directly to the teachers and administration so that they can be properly considered by those in authority. The teachers and administration are hereby given full discretion in the discipline of my child. This would include suspension, and expulsion, if necessary. As parents, we understand that we will show a good attitude and manner while our student is enrolled in the school. In that respect, if a parent or family member becomes a negative influence or shows an unChristian-like attitude or behavior, the school will require that the parent withdraw his/her child from the school. In making application, it is my desire to have my child attend the present school year.

In compliance with federal regulations regarding the privacy rights of parents and students under The Family Educational and Privacy Act of 1974, we the undersigned hereby consent to the release to Richards Christian Academy of all educational, disciplinary, and/or psychological information including any disciplinary actions taken by the Juvenile Court or law enforcement agency. All information received is considered confidential.

In case of accident or serious illness, I request the school to call my physician and to follow his/her instructions. If it is impossible to contact the physician, the school may make whatever arrangements are deemed necessary.

Detention may be used after school for various offenses and transportation will be the parents’ responsibility. Parents will be notified and will sign a note the day before each detention.



Having read the preceding information, and agreeing to abide by the above stated guidelines, we hereby make application for enrollment in Richards Christian Academy. We further attest that all information included in this application is true and correct to the best of our knowledge.


Parent 1 Signature *
Parent 2 Signature *

FOR THE STUDENT:  I will respect and obey those placed in authority over me. I will guard my tongue and attitude, and strive to avoid a complaining spirit. I will work to develop a great attitude (if I don't have one). I will avoid those things that are harmful to my body. I will not use tobacco or alcohol products in any form, nor will I use any illicit or addictive drug. I will exercise discretion in all forms of entertainment. I will seek to make Richards Christian Academy a better institution because of my involvement. 

I will show respect to other students and my teachers. Respect means that I will not hinder a teacher from teaching or another student from learning. I understand that showing a lack of respect can cause my dismissal from the program. 

I understand that Richards Christian Academy strives to be a safe place for all students. If I attempt to lead another student to use drugs, vape, or do anything that can cause them harm, I will be expelled from the program. 

I understand the staff at Richards Christian Academy will endure helping me obtain my goals and will help me with academics. Furthermore, I understand that those things mentioned above can go to the detriment of my well-being and can cause me not to obtain my goals in life.

Student Signature ( students entering 6th - 12th grades) By signing, I understand I will be expelled for the above mentioned infractions. *
Parent 2 Signature acknowledging Tuition payment options. *
Parent 1 Signature acknowledging Tuition payment options *



The Parent agrees that the Student may participate in all School activities in which the School permits the Student to participate, including classroom lectures, discussions, and other activities, and trips away from the School premises. It is understood that all activities of any nature carry certain elements of risk, many of which are not foreseeable. The possibility for injury, illness, or even death exists. By signing this contract, the Parent agrees not to hold

the School, its officers, directors, agents or employees responsible or liable for, or to make or bring any claim, demand, or action on account of any damage to personal property, personal injury, or death which may result from or relate to the Student's attendance at, participation in, and/or transportation to or from the School premises or any School activity, except to the extent arising from the School’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.


The rules and regulations concerning Student or Parent conduct contained in any applicable student or parent handbook published by the School, as amended from time to time, are incorporated by reference in this Enrollment Contract. The handbooks contain detailed information including policies and requirements for which the Student and Parent are responsible. The School reserves the right to suspend, dismiss and expel the Student at any time if the Parent or Student breaches this Contract or if the Headmaster determines in their reasonable discretion that the Student’s progress, conduct, or influence on or off campus are not in keeping with the School’s standards or the best interests of other students. There will be no refund of paid enrollment fees where such enforced withdrawal occurs, and any unpaid balance is payable in full according to the payment schedule.


Acceptance of this Contract permits and licenses the School, without charge or royalty, to take photographs and make audio and video recordings of the Student and to use those photographs and recordings and the Student’s name in school publications, recordings and broadcasts, including but not limited to newsletters, brochures, and the School’s website.


The Parent and Student acknowledge and agree that extra-curricular activity participation (Including but not limited to drama, clubs and organization) is a privilege to be granted or withheld by the School in its discretion.


1. This Enrollment Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the School and the Parent and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral.

2. This Enrollment Contract may be amended only by a written document signed by both the School and the Parent.

3. This Enrollment Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia.

4. In the event that the facilities used by the School are unavailable due to destruction, partial or total, acts of God, strikes, action by governmental agencies, or for any other reason beyond the exclusive reasonable control of the School, the School shall have the right to terminate this Enrollment Contract. In such case, the School's sole and exclusive obligation shall be to refund, on a pro-rata basis, all monies not earned under this Enrollment Contract.

5. A waiver of any breach or default under the Enrollment Contract shall not constitute a continuing or further waiver of the same or any other breach or default hereunder. Every provision of this Enrollment Contract is intended to be severable, such that if any term or provision hereof is invalid for any reason whatsoever, that provision shall be severed and shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Enrollment Contract.

6. The Parent understands that the School does not cover Student personal health needs (i.e. illness, sickness or injury).

7. Time is of the essence of this Contract.

8. Whenever it shall become necessary for the School to retain legal counsel to collect any unpaid amounts under this Enrollment Contract, the School shall be entitled to collect from the Parent its reasonable attorney’s fees, collection fees, and court costs related thereto.


Richards Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, financial aid program, and other school-administered programs.

Parent 1 signature *
Parent 2 signature *
Any student enrolling after the first day of school is subject to the full years tuition.
We do not pro-rate for late admission. 

Richards Academy (the “School”) and the Parent(s) or Guardian(s) (the “Parent”) of the enrolling student (the “Student”) who is (are) identified in the Enrollment Agreement at this moment enter into this Enrollment Contract for the school term 2024/2025 subject to the terms and conditions outlined below. The School agrees to matriculate the Student in a program of academic instruction appropriate for the Student’s grade level, and the Parent agrees to pay the following tuition and fees. Each Parent is jointly and severally responsible for the financial and other obligations of this Contract. 


The fees associated with attendance at the School fall into several categories as listed below.


$500 per student in grades 5K- 12th

$250 3K- 4K

You will be notified by our financial department to arrange payment of the fees. 

Applications submitted without fees will not guarantee a place in the classroom. 

The Registration/Book Fee is non-refundable.



3K - 4K $4500 Annually

Kindergarten - 5th     $6000.00   annually

Grades 6th-8th           $6500.00   annually

Grades 9th-12th          $7000.00   annually                


FUNDRAISER OPT-OUT: The opt-out fee for fundraising is $100 per child annually and is to be paid to RCA by October 15, 2025, if you choose to opt-out of RCA's Fundraisers. This will be billed via your FACTS account.

SENIOR FEES  $100 Fee for all Seniors – Due on or before February 15, 2025 - Pays for Cap, Gown, and diploma

DETENTION FEE: There will be a $25 Detention Fee for each detention served.

ON-CAMPUS SUSPENSION FEE: There will be a $50 OCS Fee for each day of on-campus suspension served.

WITHDRAWAL FEE: Refer to the Enrollment Contract under Financial Obligations               



For the 2024/2025 school year, RCA will use an accounts receivable service to collect tuition. ( The annual RCA tuition can be paid in the following ways. 

1. Pay the balance in one or two payments. This option will cost an additional $25 to enroll with Facts. *

3. Divide the balance into 3 - 10 payments. This option will cost an additional $55 to enroll with Facts. *

4. All payments will be made as an automatic bank draft or credit card. Credit card fees will apply. Payments will be due on the 5th of the month beginning in July.

You will be contacted by the Financial Secretary to set up this payment arrangement.      

*Fees are subject to change based on the Facts Management services. Please check the website for complete information. 

RCA will NOT collect tuition during the school year; this will be done via FACTS.    




Any account more than 30 days negligent can result in withdrawal from classes. 


The School hires faculty, purchases supplies, and makes other financial commitments annually, mainly determined by the strength of enrollment contracts. Any student, who withdraws at any time of the month, will be charged the tuition for the entire month. The student is not considered withdrawn until a six-week notice is given.  Students withdrawing during the summer after June 30th will also be responsible for the first and second months' tuition. (thus giving us a six-week notice) The obligation to pay the aforementioned monthly fees shall constitute liquidated damages and not a penalty or forfeiture. School and Parent, at this moment, agree that the actual damages for breach of the Enrollment Contract and Agreement are impossible to ascertain with certainty and that the amount described above is a reasonable estimate. These rules, as governed by Board policy, apply regardless of the reason for cancellation, whether for absence, withdrawal, dismissal, or otherwise.


Students with outstanding account balances will not be considered for re-enrollment until all accounts are paid in full. The School reserves the right to withhold grades, diplomas, and transcripts until all accounts are paid. By signing this Enrollment Contract, you are authorizing the school to withhold report cards and other records until tuition, and other fees have been paid in full. In addition, the school reserves the right to deny class attendance and participation in other school activities.



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