Certified Mayors of Oklahoma

Certified Mayors of Oklahoma Checklist  

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Mandatory Curriculum Completed:
 Date Completed
Attend Annual Mayor's Retreat
Attend Forum “Day at Capitol” in March
Attend OML Annual Conference
Attend 1st OML board meeting (3 total required)
Attend 2nd OML board meeting
Attend 3rd OML board meeting
Attend 1st MCO board meeting
Attend 2nd MCO board meeting
Attend 3rd MCO board meeting
Attend “Congress of Mayors” Initiative in January
Attend OML Budget Process Workshop or MCO approved budget workshop
Engage in 1st Hour of Public Speaking (10 credit maximum)
Engage in 2nd Hour of Public Speaking
Engage in 3rd Hour of Public Speaking
Engage in 4th Hour of Public Speaking
Engage in 5th Hour of Public Speaking
Engage in 6th Hour of Public Speaking
Engage in 7th Hour of Public Speaking
Engage in 8th Hour of Public Speaking
Engage in 9th Hour of Public Speaking
Engage in 10th Hour of Public Speaking
Elective Curriculum Completed:(One hour is equal to one credit)
 Date(s) CompletedNumber of Hours Completed
Certified Municipal Officials Session approved by Certified Mayors Committee
OML Conference session approved by Certified Mayors Committee
Mayors Track Session at OML Conference
Visiting schools to discuss “If I Were Mayor. . .” essay contest
Other training approved by Certified Mayors Committee
Prequalifiers for “Certified Mayors” Designation Completed:
 Date Completed
Election to the City and Town Officials Hall of Fame
Election as Oklahoma Mayor of the Year